We are Very Innovitave

For All Industrial Business

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the dummy majority have
suffered dumm to alteration in some form by injected dummy now.

We are Very Innovitave

For All Industrial Business

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the dummy majority have
suffered dumm to alteration in some form by injected dummy now.

We are Very Innovitave

For All Industrial Business

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the dummy majority have
suffered dumm to alteration in some form by injected dummy now.

Featured Industries

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered in some form by injected or randomised words which even slightly believable.

Dream Big

Inspiring Solutions

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority is have suffered alteration in that some form by injected humour or randomised that words which don't look even slightly believable.

Mark Nicholes
CEO & Founder

Our Services

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered in some form by injected or randomised words which even slightly believable.

Радиографический контроль

Радиографический контроль обеспечивает проверку качества технологического оборудования, металлических конструкций, трубопроводов, композитных материалов, как в промышленных, так и в строительных отраслях, а также

Магнитопорошковый контроль

Магнитопорошковый контроль является методом неразрушительного действия и применяется в целях определения и выявления дефектов в материалах не зависимо от их размера, форм

Latest Projects

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered in some form by injected or randomised words which even slightly believable.

Июль 2020, г.Сызрань
Июль 2020, г.Сызрань, контроль качества сварных соединений при строительстве РВС-2000
Июнь 2020, Кингисеппский район ЛО
Июнь 2020, Кингисеппский район ЛО, визуальный и ультразвуковой контроль металлоконструкций при строительстве морского отгрузочного терминала
Июль 2020, Назиевское городское поселение
Июль 2020, Назиевское городское поселение, ультразвуковой контроль при строительстве межпоселкового газопровода
Август 2020, г.Самара, ультразвуковой контроль при реконструкции сети теплоснабжения в советском районе
Июль 2019, г. Самара
Ультразвуковой контроль сети теплоснабжения при реконструкции производственной и испытательной базы ОАО "Кузнецов"
Сентябрь 2019, г. Новоспасское
Контроль качества сварных соединений на монтаже РВС-1000 и РВС-2000 при расширении товарно-сырьевого парка ООО "Локар"

Meet Our Expert

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered in some form by injected or randomised words which even slightly believable.

Robert Pattinson

Engineering Officer

Moira Kelly

Technology Officer

David Mazouz

Marketing Manager

Cristian Pavon

Technology Officer

Customer Reviews

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered in some form by injected or randomised words which even slightly believable.

News From Blog

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered in some form by injected or randomised words which even slightly believable.

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